
A successful event was organised by DIMITRA in the 28th of September 2017 in Larissa (Greece) for publicity purposes of the Q-Spirit project. The event was addressed to local VET providers and trainers and its main objectives were to:

  • Describe the project objectives and contect  
  • Present the main results of the report on indicators used by providers in relation to EQAVET and discuss them with stakeholders asking for their feedback
  • Ask for stakeholders participation in the pilot testing of Q-Spirit tools.

DIMITRA was selected by Hellenic Adult Education Association (HAEΑ) to participate in the 6th Conference entitled: “Best Practices: Critical thinking and creativity”, which took place on June 2017 in Athens (Greece). In the context of this Conference, the Q-Spirit project was presented to the conference participants, mainly VET providers and trainers. The main objectives of this presentation were to publicize the Q-Spirit project and to attract VET providers to participate in the survey of the “O2 - Guidelines on EQAVET for providers” and pilot testing of Q-Spirit tools.

Around two in three Europeans (68%) think that vocational education at the upper secondary stage has a positive image in their country, while just under a quarter (23%) think the opposite. In every Member State, respondents with a positive opinion on vocational education and training exceed the ones that have a negative opinion on it. These are some of the results from Cedefop’s first opinion survey on VET in Europe, where European citizen’s perceptions on VET in the EU-28 member states have been explored.

EURASHE will organise a seminar on quality assurance (QA) titled ‘Managing your institution’s quality with the latest practices and policies‘ in Brussels (Belgium) on 6-7 February 2017. It is jointly organised by EURASHE and the Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur (ARES) and hosted by the Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci at the Institut libre Marie Haps.