
The Q-Spirit research is ready!

The Summary report of the project partner countries interview research is now complete and available for interested stakeholders and VET providers.
The research task was to report the use of existing criteria descriptions and indicators in quality assurance at provider level in the participating countries as well as on the key qualities and usability of indicative good practices.

The research was done in the partner countries Greece, Italy, Spain and Sweden in the period of February till June 2016. The information was collected at provider level: managers and/or staff of VET or of VET boards with a knowledge on QA (both IVET and CVET). This was done through face-to-face interviews or through group interviews. Thematically the research consisted of an inventory of information on descriptors and indicators used by providers in their own organisation to implement QA.
This report is the joint summary of the research done at national level and is available here.