Νέα - Ανακοινώσεις

Issue 14 of EQAVET newsletter includes:

  • Editorial by Dana Bachmann Head of Unit E.3 - VET, Apprenticeships & Adult Learning European Commission - DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • VET attractiveness and QA in Germany in the context of the DEQA – an article by Helena Sabbagh, DEQAVET, Germany
  • Enhancing the attractiveness and quality of mobility in the secondary vocational education by better usage of skills– reflections from Czech Republic. An article by Martina Kaňáková, National Institute for Education (NÚV), Czech Republic
  • Four-country updates on the implementation of the NRP’s work programme developed within the context of the restricted call (Croatia, Greece, Latvia, Hungary)

The Summary report of the project partner countries interview research is now complete and available for interested stakeholders and VET providers.
The research task was to report the use of existing criteria descriptions and indicators in quality assurance at provider level in the participating countries as well as on the key qualities and usability of indicative good practices.


The second transnational partnership meeting took place on 27-28 June in the city of Larissa, Greece.
During the two-days meeting, the Q-Spirit partners discussed the usage of existing criteria, descriptors and indicators in quality assurance at provider level in the participating countries, as well as the coordination of stakeholders in the implementation of basic common quality principles.